Home00 Nation and 9z were likely to trade their AWPers

00 Nation and 9z were likely to trade their AWPers

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00 Nation and ninez are said to be about to swap their AWPers.

According to a report from Dust2 Brasil, the deal between the two teams CS:GO was reportedly resolved. That would see Santino try Rigal back into his former team in the form of 9z, and Lucas nqz Soares would join the 00 Nation.

If this were to happen, it would mean that nqz decided to sign with 00 Nation instead of Fluxo. This is also a thought that nqz would get to the end of the world with a score in its head, the Dust2.us said.

The move was reportedly negotiated after trying to express his desire to return to 9z, with 00 nation also interested in acquiring nqz in the process. The group awoke when it was finished, with the results disappointing at the IEM CS:GO Rio Major, which went 0-3 on the Challengers course after defeating the FURIA, IHC and Bad News Eagles.

In Brazil, the tenz has a good deal of luck. A year ago, they have successfully won two races in Challengers Stage and won the competition. In spite of the losses to GamerLegion, BIG, and Fnatic, they also failed to qualify for the next stage of the event.

00 Nation is expected to compete at the South American Conference Stage, which begins Jan. 18th, at the ESL Pro League, Season 17th. If the rumor of a transfer happen, the team is expected to make it official before the deadline.


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