HomeA Street Fighter 6 footage shows new characters and a particularly clever...

A Street Fighter 6 footage shows new characters and a particularly clever win-shaped animation

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Right after the second beta test of Street Fighter 6, the people over Capcom have wasted no time showcasing more gameplay of the new title. As part of a new tap, a few of the fighters that will make their debut come 2023, and some snippets of how the action would play in Street Fighter 6.

During the latest Capcom TV live stream in Japan, the publisher dropped the latest gameplay footage for the Street Fighter 6. a lot of time went by the new fighters, among them Manon and Dee-Jay. As a result of the new art, entry and player intro screens, the footage mirrored the new – and normalized – and special moves that each fighter will have in Street Fighter 6.

One of the popular highlights of the Capcom live stream was the win animated scene for Marisa. The powerful fighters get animation with helmet gear and an expression of the friendly gesture of helping a down opponent after the fight. Sportsmanship remains very common in Street Fighter.

Marisa got the best win animation #SF6 pic.twitter.com/sRHXy4uEoj.

HiFight() (@HiFightTH) December 20, 2022

This new trailer with the new game starts to fade as well. Earlier this month at the World Cup and Conference of 2022, Capcom confirmed the release date of SF6. Street Fighter 6 is scheduled to launch on June 2, 2023, e-books that run on PC (via Steam) and Xbox and PlayStation consoles ages and ages. As well as that, Capcom recently hosted the second test for Street Fighter. The second round of the SF6 beta ran from the 16th to 19th of December.


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