HomeAccording to the players, Ghost of Tsushima created one of the most...

According to the players, Ghost of Tsushima created one of the most beautiful open worlds in the world

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Ghost of Tsushima was released in 2020 as a PlayStation Exclusive. With a Japanese setting and an open world, this game became one of the best-selling titles from in-house studios on PS4.

Over 5 million units have been sold in four months, and PlayStation confirms that over 10 million units have been sold throughout the sale. Ghost of Tsushima features many impressive features, but its open world and the most impressive visuals were some of the best games.

Recently on Reddit, the games fans decided to discuss the best open worlds in the industry, and Ghost of Tsushima was named one of the best open worlds.

The discussion generated more answers. Among them was Red Dead Redemption 2, The Witcher 3 and others. However, the game Ghost of Tsushima came with the highest votes.

The island of Tsushima offers a wide variety of climatic environments. Mountaines, sour springs, flower field and all that diversity is accomplished by playing splendid art.

The art is colorful with different colours and features to bring it to life. This makes each section of the map very different and unique. There are numerous conditions that have such a big impact on the open world.

Whenever it’s a day, Tsushima is in a unique way. Depending on the weather, some effects such as rain and smoke can be seen as a bonus. All these elements have their own mechanics.

Jin Sakai can navigate the hive of open spaces using the guiding wind. Similarly, the screens have a few user interface elements, so players can feel the open world of Sucker Punch Production in all its glory.

All of this means that Ghost of Tsushima can compete with the most beautiful games of the last generation, for example, as a lack of visual fidelity drives Sucker Punch Productions for its game.

Ghost of Tsushima is a new sound bringing to life. The soundtrack contains many different musical compositions, from calm and soothing to intense.

After winning the game’s positive reviews, it’s clear that Ghost of Tsushima is created to inspire the player, immerse them in the game and give it unforgettable experience. This excellence has been praised by industry veterans such as Shinji Mikami.


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