HomeAccused of impersonating Zelda, Dev. Genshin Impact was Crying Aroged

Accused of impersonating Zelda, Dev. Genshin Impact was Crying Aroged

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Genshin, which has now become one of China’s biggest and most successful games, was not a smooth journey at the beginning. When it was introduced to the public and entered the beta period, there was a sentiment of pessimism and doubt that the quality of AAA games that wore so far looked cheap did reach all the standard games ajay. Even worse, he was involved in the popularity of the newest Zelda game at that time, Breath of the Wild. Some of the same mechanics, including the stamina, have been used as a weapon. Despite the constant being equated, compared and accused of being a clone, that turned out to have impact on Hoyoverse dev. Extincts.

I asked the president of mi Hoyo, and the Hoyoverse, Wei to clarify this at the host event. Even though he didn’t mention Zelda explicitly, he didn’t mention this game had ever experienced an unmeasurable crisis.

He admits that his pride when releasing the Genshin Impact beta at that time was met with a response that was very different from their assumptions, especially if it came to Zelda clone problems. He says that many people don’t understand Genshin and what this game wants to do. The name Wei did even make his employees cry while wondering how they made a mistake.

You can take a walk in a window to watch on Genshin Impact, by the e-mail, it’s in motion. During the journey, the president of the Hio Kai is very angry at the outcome of the event.

There were difficult times, but he says he could come this far pic.twitter.com/4H2YLWSaIp

Tokinohikaru (@tokinohikaru_00) August 13, 2023, 2023.

Fortunately, their youthful enthusiasm means they’re not afraid, but instead think that criticism is the motivation to prove themselves. What does that mean? Genshin Impact, which has already brought billions of USD in revenues, is now still relevant and established as one of the most popular free games. How about you? Are you still busy tasting this game?


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