HomeAll you say to the Google assistant is saved!

All you say to the Google assistant is saved!

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All you were telling an assistant saved. Many people don’t know that. It’s true that for future reference, you can consult everything that was mentioned in the document. This will add in your navigation, trips and more. It’s possible to compare everything on the internet and even delete all of the information that is stored there.

Everything you say to the Google assistant is saved!

The commands given to the Google assistant are very simple. So, go to the Activity page I have on the Google page.

At that moment and when you enter your credentials, you will be consulted. Your Google account’s a page can be found in the browser. You’ll see where you’ve been doing your last business. Anything that can always be filtered to specific heights.

But by date, you also filter with product.

So turn off the button to view a date and product. If it means Filter by Google, choose Assistant.

You will see all the commands you’ve given the assistant recently, some of which you probably don’t remember anymore.

Among other things, you can see from the menu and even how you do in other Google products.

Protect your activities in the Google Google account.

As I said earlier, Google did most of the work you saw in using his products. The information is available to consult at activity.google.com. But, she doesn’t want anyone to see her.

Good news is you can secure a password for your Google activity. That way, even if someone has access to your Google account, they have to use the key to see this data.

This is quite simple.

Go to activity.google.com, and in front of Google protects your privacy and security, click Manage my activity validation.

In the window appearing, we must choose Require additional validation and enter a password. Click on Save then.

Did you know that, every time you say OK Google and use voice commands, Google keeps a recording of it? That’s true and you’ll find them all in the web & apps for your account.

If you want this, you can take the manual action of the recording or turn off the music.

To do that, please visit this page and type the audio.


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