HomeGame GuidesApple's iOS 17 Developer Beta 6 brings many notable changes to the...

Apple’s iOS 17 Developer Beta 6 brings many notable changes to the core UI

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Apple is expected to hold a special event for its upcoming iPhone 15 series on September 13, 2023. In retrospect of this timeline, it seems like the iOS and iPadOS 17 Developer Beta 6 update is a last-minute push to iron out some remaining bugs.

Beta 6 comes with build number 21A5312c and an OTA (Over The Air) file size of 766.6 MB; update size may vary based on your device. The first change noticed after the update is the redesign of the phone call screen. While the end call button was always at the lower center of the screen, iOS 17 beta updates pushed it to the right side, making it difficult and abnormal for many users to get used to. In this update, Apple again brings the end call button to the center, surrounded by other function buttons. It looks more aesthetically pleasing than iOS 16.

ios 17 call screen
iOS 17 Beta 6 call screen end call button position change

In the Screen Distance feature, Apple changes “help reduce eye strain” to “reduce eye strain,” indicating they are certain about the abilities of the feature at the recommended distance.

Screen Distance description change

This update also adds the Carrier Voicemail call button at the top of the voicemail tab in the Phone app. Besides manually calling voicemail, users can see a list of voicemails available and listen to them with visual transcriptions. In the Photos screen, users are greeted with a splash screen educating about the new features available. You can now find each of your pets in the Album tab, a feature available on Google Photos for many years. You can also simply zoom in on a picture, and the crop button will appear for a faster cropping experience. The health app now allows you to log “weather” as an impact factor on mood.

iOS 17 Beta 6 voicemail tab changes including carrier voicemail call button
iOS 17 Beta 6 Photos app educational popup

Alongside these features, you can find the complete list of bug fixes, changes, and new features on Apple’s website here. You can read more about the new features coming with iOS 17 here. To enroll for beta updates before the launch, you can register here.


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