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Belgium is now looking into the health risks associated with the radiation in Apple’s iPhone 12

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iPhone 12 on a wooden background

Belgium has become the latest country to investigate Apple’s iPhone 12 for potential radiation-related health risks. The decision comes in the wake of France’s decision to ban the sale of the iPhone 12 because it believes the device exceeds safe radiation exposure limits.

Apple has since responded to France’s claims by saying that the device has been certified by several international bodies as compliant with radiation standards. She said she would contest France’s findings.

Referring to the Belgian investigation, the Secretary of State for Digitalization said:

“It is my duty to ensure that all citizens… are safe. I quickly contacted the IBPT-BIPT (regulator) to request an analysis of the potential danger of the product.’

The fact that Belgium is joining France in investigating the device may suggest that other European countries will also join. In fact, there have been rumblings in Germany, the Netherlands and Italy, but none of these countries are yet to open investigations.

The Dutch government asked Apple to provide an explanation but said there was no acute safety risk. In Italy, the government is monitoring the situation but not yet investigating.

While the iPhone 12 was launched in 2020 and is no longer listed among the iPhone models on the Apple website, it is still available for purchase from Apple as a refurbished device as well as from many other third-party used stores. If the radiation levels turn out to be too high, it could be a problem for consumers who bought this model expecting to keep it for four or five years now that Apple supports its phones for about half a decade.

If Apple ultimately fails to convince the governments of the safety of the iPhone 12, it may be forced to issue a product recall and accommodate affected customers – it is not clear how it will do this at the moment.

source: Reuters


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