HomeBurdurs Gate 3 Causing Devs to Worry About Fan Expectations, Larian responds...

Burdurs Gate 3 Causing Devs to Worry About Fan Expectations, Larian responds to tidbite on the gate

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A number of developers expressed concerns about the new standard for RPGs seen in Baldurs Gate 3, and caused Larian Studios to respond. The conversation started by a Twitter thread in which a developer argued that Baldurs Gate 3 should be seen as an anomaly for a number of reasons. In the interview, the industry veterans agreed.

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The questions on the Twitter thread have come from developer Xalavier Nelson Jr., who argued that Larian took a big risk and the process he used to build the game can not be replicated by any other studio even big companies. He expressed concerns that players will expect that all studios will take the same route regardless of their feasibility and circumstance.

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It could kill an entire GRUP of studios, Nelson warned. Numerous developer from a group of studios, like Obsidian, Blizzard and Insomniac, agreed with him.

By speaking with PC Gamer, Larian founder Swen Vincke expressed her confusion about the debate. He thinks that in the game industry, standards die every day.

Every time you see the new thing. When I was in this industry, Assassins Creed set a new standard. There was no one to do so to keep the games like Assassin’s Creed and there was too much money to play, that was going to be future, everyone had to consolidate, blah blah blah blah. That didn’t happen. There is plenty of time, even on video games.

The second shortest door in the world has been over. The game was a massive success from the start, with the global score surpassing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.


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