HomeCounterpoint estimates global Flexible Smartphone Market growth by 52 per cent in...

Counterpoint estimates global Flexible Smartphone Market growth by 52 per cent in 2023

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According to Counterpoint Research experts, the shipments of flexible phones into the global market will grow in the year to more than 227,000 copies in the coming fiscal year. Here we’re talking about the global advance of the smartphone market. The global shipments of flexible phones are expected to reach 14,9 million units for fiscal 2022.

Source: Amanz/unsplash.com/.

It’s known that the cumulative deliveries in the 3-IV quarters of the current year increased by 90 %, whereas total sales increased to 9,5 million units. Even in the last quarter of 2022, supply will likely drop due to the global inflation and the economic downturn.

As per the general smartphone market, the number of flexible models is hardly noticeable, but especially in the realm of ultra-premium (from one thousand dollars), such gadgets begin to expand. In this category, they have already taken percentage shares of double digits in recent years. In 2023, that is a 20 centigrade of its share.

The competition in the global market for flexible devices is expected to be accelerated in 2023 as more Chinese vendors enter the niche with their products, even though Samsung will continue to dominate the market. Honor, Motorola and Xiaomi will enter the flexible device market based outside China. Meanwhile, Huawei, Oppo and Vivo will present their own models. Due to the competition, the price of flexible devices should go up. In order to expand the presence of such models in China, China will become the largest manufacturers of a Western European market. In other words, China and Western Europe will be the epicenters of a fierce battle between manufacturers.

While there’s no evidence of the company being on short-term forecasts, experts must just look at it as if there’s not enough reliable information about Apples plans to get flexible smartphones.

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