HomeCreature Bearer was approved for Nintendo Switch

Creature Bearer was approved for Nintendo Switch

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Graffiti Games and Fervir Games revealed a new monster-taming RPG for the Nintendo Switch called Creature Keeper. As a beginner whose adventurers climbed the wilds to find a new creature to add to his small army, he’ll try hard to solve the corruption that had penned the land and ridd it once in all. The game will be at Switch first, but there is also a PC version in the works, but there are no ones that have a release window. Watch the trailer below for more.

Credit: Graffiti Games

Take on the role of a novice creature keeper before traveling through the epic adventure, to restore balance to Thera and stop the affluence of the healthy animals of the world. But hold on, adventurer, you can’t save the world by itself. You need to form an interesting party to help you navigate the journey. Help your creatures get rid of corruption by giving them new equipment, finding unlockables and cooking their delicious meals.

  • Befriend a Small Empire of Creatures, and connect yourself to your dream team. We love lots of unique creatures to fight in yourmidst.
  • Cook your recipe: Do your best to help her grow!
  • Craft equipment for your team: Customize your play style with unique effects, as well as weapon and trinket.
  • Keep in mind that your creatures are doing well by designing fashionable items such as hats, masks and other accessories.


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