HomeDragons Dogma 2 game director promised a Happy New Year to everyone...

Dragons Dogma 2 game director promised a Happy New Year to everyone and promised that the game would be interesting

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Hideaki Itsuno, game director of Dragons Dogma 2, Capcom returned to the game by saying “Noons” with a new Year’s greeting on Twitter and called it an interesting game and reaffirming his intention to post more news in the future.

Happy new year. Dragons Dogma 2 is all right. This game will be interesting. As for the graphics, a new a-lister said.

Thus, the willingness to release more information about Dragons Dogma 2 is confirmed, which has also been reported in recent days that development is about to close. This implies that work on this has also gone well, given that the game promises to be interesting, in typical understatement by a Capcom director.

On the other hand, this game has appeared several times in the review published by the company when it was published last month, which demonstrates some progress made during the game. Dragons Dogma 2 was officially announced last June in the games tenth anniversary event, though it was rumored for a long time.

The announcement has been over, but works might be going well, so wait a little while to get an idea of what will happen next in the next few months on Capcom’s long-awaited fantasy RPG sequel.


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