HomeFantasy Total RPG Sword of Convallaria is released to iOS, Android and...

Fantasy Total RPG Sword of Convallaria is released to iOS, Android and Steam with pre-orders now live

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XD just revealed Sword of Convallaria () for iOS, Android and Steam. Sword of Convallaria is a fantasy tactical game due this year to have a purpose of working like a classic Japanese turn-based game. It’s very nice in the trailer XD revealed, but remains to be seen how the free to play monetization ends up being. Although XD hasn’t announced a date of the official Sword of Convallaria release, the App Store pre-order page lists it for November 23rd. Pre-orders and pre-registrations live, and it will also be being released on Steam. Watch the Sword of Convallaria video below.

Sword of Convallaria already has 1000 stages across 300 maps. The developers also have multiple endings based on the choices made. I’m interested in seeing how the story goes on and if it can see new chapters or ships with its base story written all the time. There’s no definite release date for the next two years. If you like to play it, you can pre-order it on the App Store for iOS here, Google Play for Android here, and Steam for PC here. How did you try Sword of Convallaria so far, and did you try any of Square Enix’s recent tactical RPG release?


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