HomeGame GuidesGitHub Copilot Enterprise can now assist with pull requests, discussions, and files

GitHub Copilot Enterprise can now assist with pull requests, discussions, and files

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GitHub just announced the June update to Copilot Enterprise. The company said the assistant can now help you answer questions about pull requests, discussions and recent file changes. The company also took the opportunity to remind users that Copilot Enterprise is now available in Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.

With the ability to read pull requests, Copilot can give you an overview of the changes you don’t need to decipher what it’s trying to change. To get a pull request summary, just go to the pull request tab on GitHub.com and ask Copilot something like “Tell me about this pull request.” Obviously you can be more creative than that.

Another important feature of GitHub is discussions where users come together to discuss their problems and solutions, sometimes these can run into difficulties in finding solutions. Now, you can navigate to the discussion and have Copilot give you a summary.

Finally, by opening a file on GitHub, you can ask Copilot about what has changed recently. If you’re opening a file you’re not familiar with, you can ask Copilot to explain it so you know what it’s doing.

Besides these new changes, GitHub also reminded users that Copilot Enterprise features are available in Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio 17.11 Preview 2 and later. Some things you can do include getting answers from your entire codebase in Visual Studio and getting answers from the web through Copilot.

You can learn more about Ask questions about pull requests, Ask questions in discussionsand Ask questions about files on GitHub Docs if you need more help leveraging these new features.

Let us know in the comments if you use GitHub Copilot Enterprise and if you find these features useful.

source: GitHub

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