HomeHaving taken over Twitter, Elon Musk announces that color in a new...

Having taken over Twitter, Elon Musk announces that color in a new feature, with a brand new feature

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Reports JVTech Following the takeover of Twitter, Elon Musk announced the color with a brand new feature.

Published 29/12-2022, at 14:40.

While Elon Musk bought Twitter last October, the changes in the social network are now being felt. The billionaire has been coming up with this new feature. It seems that he likes to take off a Twitter in his image.

The new Twitter feature adds a new feature to the new Twitter feature.

Although he’s an avid aficionado of cryptocurrencies, he continues to share his passion for cryptocurrencies. After accepting DOGE and Bitcoin for the use of the spaceX and Tesla shuttle buses, Elon Musk has released a new feature on Twitter.

In reality, it’s now possible to consult in real time the price of cryptocurrencies directly on Twitter. The second biggest cryptocurrencies in the class, namely Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Even though the DOGE coin, Elon Musk’s favorite crypto, doesn’t support Twitter.

A Twitter styled on Wall Street is also present.

To compare the prices of cryptos in real time, you simply have to enter Bitcoin or Ethereum in the search bar of the social network. After the election, we find the top of the two terms. It has been a curve that indicates the price of digital currency in real time, as described.

This information is provided by a famed trading platform, RobinHood, which Twitter seems to have concluded a partnership agreement. By clicking on this curve, Twitter redirects directly to the website of the American financial broker. It’s also possible to study the price of different shares in the traditional stock market, such as Google, Amazon or Tesla, in addition to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

This decision may seem surprising, given that the price of the two cryptocurrencies and their shares has gone down for one year. There appears to be a plan from Elon Musk.

Twitter seems to be moving towards a cheaper Google platform. This initiative seems to have been taken for the famous all-purpose application Musk has called the acquisition of the platform.

Buying Twitter is an instantaneous method to create X, the everywhere app.

Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 4, 2022

According to him, Twitter could be a test site for testing and developing new features in preparation for the deployment of X:

Twitter is probably accelerating X by 3 to 5 years. However, he suggested that he would lose all its efforts in time, as he’d already publicly announced it.

In this sense, a few users are eager to see the next step after that new feature and many others in the cryptocurrency world will try to create a successful one. We hope to see crypto payments on Twitter in the next few months with the introduction of a native token. It’s not to be ruled out because the platform already supports crypto in conjunction with the Bitcoin Tips donations.


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