HomeHow tall is Gorgc? A Dota 2 player raises questions about the...

How tall is Gorgc? A Dota 2 player raises questions about the streamers

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Ranked matches dota 2 never have to be toxic encounters. Many players, often, stumble upon funny and attractive teammates that make the match a lot better.

Popular Dota 2 streamer Janne Gorgc Stefanovski recently teamed up with a fan of his channel and claimed a very special profile picture.

Shortly after both teams arrived on the map, Enigma, who named John Seed69, asked Gorgc to check his Steam profile. As soon as the streamer saw the avatar, he recalled the fan and said that he is really tall.

Gorgc explained that picture later, after the he opened Enigmas profile.

I know that I look very short, Gorgc said. Despite how tall that guy is, he’s taller than Puppey.

When Enigma was listening to Gorgcs broadcast, the player responded in the voice conversation again, saying that he was only 5.9 feet tall, and Gorgc was just small. At the time that he answered the question, the founder of Team Bald Reborns told him that Enigma was lying. Seeing that as the mystery began in Gorgcs chat realized that his height was an unsolved mystery. There wasn’t a lot of resources to work with.

Considering the facts, Gorgc described Enigma as taller than Puppey, one of the tallest player in Dota 2. A quick Google search gives Puppeys an average height of 1.96 meters, or 6.43 feet, so Enigma might be about 6 feet lower.

We found the only person taller than Puppey himself. #TI11 pic.twitter.com/0VlQNs25ZF-Pushynese #TI11 pic.twitter.com/0VlQNs25ZF-Certified/Sass.

Team Secret (@teamsecret) October 14, 2022

If we had enough Gorgc fans to reach 6 feet, it might make that Gorgcs is around 5.9 feet tall. Gorgc also has pictures with Puppey, where he is taller than the captain of Team Secrets, so it’s technically impossible to discern the tallest of the streams.


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