HomeImmortals of Aveum will be updated to Unreal Engine 5.2 with various...

Immortals of Aveum will be updated to Unreal Engine 5.2 with various improvements

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Ascendant Studios has revealed some plans in the near future of Immortals of Aveum which also includes some enhancement technicians for the game including the transition to Unreal Engine 5.2 and the implementation of some new technological features.

Using the Nanite and Lumenthe specific technologies of the unreal engine, this team is looking for the potential of developing the new engine in the new language, and with the addition of a new version of the graphics engine.

As the developers reported, by switching to Nanite with the new version Unreal Engine 5.2, the game will be able to take advantage of much faster geometry management, which should lead to strong reductions in unwanted effects such as pop-in.

We need to improve the detail of the luminous elements, while the animations are also fidelity.

A technological advancement takes place in recent years.

As explained by the team, the new version of Lumen would enhance the outlines of the characters and also the graphical fidelity of the animations, even if this is not explained in more detail which could change.

Nanite does not guarantee a faster and stable geometries management.

The move to Unreal Engine 5.2 also should allow for a general increase in performance according to reports. This game was written by reading our review of Immortals of abraham. Unfortunately, half of the development team was fired within weeks of the launch.

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