HomeKarnfull Next intends to build a data center in Sweden powered by...

Karnfull Next intends to build a data center in Sweden powered by small modular reactors

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The nuclear developer Karnfull Next announced plans to build a portable reactor on the east coast of Sweden and build a dedicated central power plant. According to DataCenter Dynamics, a site for the construction of the campus has been created already. We’re talking about the Studsvik site in Nykoping.

Construction of the new Karnfull Next equipment will start in the 2030s. Compared to the Swedish nuclear project, Studsvik is the perfect partner for the project. After the frenzied completion of the first small reactor park in Europe, the frankster will not only find employment, it will also allow an interaction with other high-tech industries.

Image source: Karnfull Next

It’s not yet been announced which data centers Karnfull plans to cooperate with. The construction of a parking such a big car will help you reduce costs and solve the problem of energy production, which is typical for large nuclear power plants. Moreover, SMR-authors like the British Rolls-Royce and the American Nuscale believe nuclear energy must be an integral part of any plan to decarbonize every industry.

Small modular reactors provide relatively low energy (up to 300 MW) and can be mass produced from standardized factory-made components, which is expected to speed up deployment of such small nuclear power plants, but in contrast to the full-scale custom designed units.

Image sources: Karnfull Next

In May, Karnfull Next began to study the feasibility of using the Studsvik station, and the study of the possibility of commercial electricity production should end in December next year, and a memorandum of understanding has already been signed with a potential partner.

A report claims that the company will make some decisions until the end of 2024.

Even though it’s not known, there are still some similar plans in the world. For example, the United States Green Energy Partners plan on constructing many SMRs at the same site in Virginia they want to implement the project near an already operated nuclear power plant.

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