HomeGame GuidesLarian reveals a ton of post-launch Baldur's Gate 3 stats, promises "gigantic"...

Larian reveals a ton of post-launch Baldur’s Gate 3 stats, promises “gigantic” Patch 1 list

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Baldurs Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 has become a massive hit since it left early access and fully launched for the PC on August 2 via Steam and GoG.com. While developer Larian Studios has yet to reveal any specific sales numbers for its D&D-based fantasy RPG, we do know that on Steam, the game currently has over 580,000 concurrent players as of this writing, and had a peak of over 800,000 players a few days ago.

Today, Larian updated its Steam page with some stats and data it has collected from Baldur’s Gate 3 during its opening weekend. Larian stated:

During the launch weekend, you played a combined 1225 years of Baldur’s Gate 3 – almost as long as it took to make it. And 368 of you managed to finish it within that 3-day weekend. We salute you.

The stats also show that 93 percent of Baldur’s Gate 3 players chose to start the game by using a custom character. The most popular character race was the half-elves, and the most popular class was the paladin. You can check out the full infographic below:

baldurs gate 3

The developers also wanted to thank the game’s fans “for the profound joy you’ve given us throughout this launch.” The update stated that the team does have a roadmap for future hotfixes and patches, but it doesn’t want to post it to the public “because we need the freedom to push and pull things around when the unforeseen happens without locking ourselves in.”

While Larian has already released some smaller hotfix patches for Baldur’s Gate 3, it is working on its first major patch release. It stated that “we’re currently working towards Patch 1, which will feature a gigantic list of tweaks and changes.”

All of the updates will be rolled into the upcoming PlayStation 5 version of the game, which is set for a release on September 6. The game is also being worked on for the Xbox Series S and X consoles but does not yet have a release date for that platform.


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