HomeLondon Royal Ravens relocation leaves CDL without any EU franchises ahead of...

London Royal Ravens relocation leaves CDL without any EU franchises ahead of 2024 season

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The Royal Ravens have officially moved out of London and have come under the rule to compete in the call of duty season 2024. The last franchise of the EU has fallen after four seasons.

The London-based company has officially settled in Charlotte, North Carolina. Today it got rebranded with the Carolina Royal Ravens name. This team will follow the same trend of traditional sports franchises based in Charlotte, and take on the Carolina name instead of the American Football Association’s the NFL’s Carolina Panthers.

COD will be coming in the Carolinas. We’re thrilled to announce that we’ll be flying to Queen City, Charlotte. The next chapter of the Royal Ravens will be fueled by the energy, culture and resilience of the Carolinas. We want to thank everyone in London. From pic.twitter.com/usLFEepRTo

Carolina Royal Ravens (@RoyalRavens) September 5-2023.

The nickname “The Royal Ravens” refers to actual ravens who live in the Tower of London and are symbolic protectors of the Crown, but the city of Charlotte is commonly known as the City of Charlotte, as it was named after the former Queen of Mecklenburg-Strelitz in the name of a former queen. Despite the name being changed in the UK, in the comparison to UK-based franchises, the French-based franchises have left, with the Paris Legion departing for Vegas just before the beginning of last season.

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The Royal Ravens franchise is owned and operated by Infinite Reality, which acquired the former parent company ReKTGlobal for $470 million in July 2022. Per Kevin Hitt of SBJ, who reported the teams plans to move to Charlotte back in June, the ownership group also had backup plans for Mexico City, Washington D.C. and Chicago. The Royal Ravens are the second team to rebrand this offseason, following a change from the Florida Mutineers to the Miami Heretics.

As with the Ravens roster itself, the team parted with all its players this past June, before rebranding. There isn’t yet clear who is going to play for the team during the season.


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