HomeGame GuidesMicrosoft plans to bring native translation to Outlook Web soon

Microsoft plans to bring native translation to Outlook Web soon

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Microsoft is working on a new feature that will bring native email translation to Outlook Web really soon. The feature is already available for Outlook apps on Windows and Mac, and will soon make its way to web as well.

The Redmond giant recently updated the Microsoft 365 Roadmap page to include the Translator for Outlook Web entry.

In Outlook, you can translate words, phrases, and full messages when you need them. You can also set Outlook to automatically translate messages you receive in other languages. When you receive an email message in another language, you’ll see a prompt at the top of the message asking if you’d like Outlook to translate it into your preferred language.

Microsoft will offer multiple ways in which users can translate an email on Outlook on the Web. These include using the native translator on the top or translating specific words or sentences by selecting text in the email.

Microsoft notes that it will add a prompt at the top asking users if they want the email to be translated. It will also offer options such as always translate an email and never translate an email to record user preferences for the future. Once translated, Outlook will cache the data for 15 days so the user doesn’t have to translate the email again and can see the translated version on the go.

In the message, select Translate message. Outlook replaces the message text with translated text, and this translation is cached for 15 days—which means you don’t need to translate the same message twice.

After you’ve translated the message, you can select Show original to see the message in the original language or Turn on automatic translation to always translate messages to your preferred language.

In the message, select Never translate. Outlook won’t ask you if you’d like to translate messages in that language in the future.

The Roadmap entry notes that Microsoft plans to release the new feature in September 2023. However, the company has not offered a confirmed date. We expect the feature to roll out in phases so you may not see it right away.

Once rolled out, you should be able to use the feature on Outlook on the Web. If for some reason you don’t see the Translate option in the email, you can manually translate the email using the Translate option in the Home ribbon. You can also navigate to Home > Translate > Translation Preferences to change the settings as well as set your preferred language.


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