HomeOther side of the tunnel view series, Volume 4 Review

Other side of the tunnel view series, Volume 4 Review

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Even though the real world has already been a safe haven for Sorawo and Toriko from their otherworldly adventures, the Othersides strange phenomena have apparently begun to bleed through, threatening their normal (if you would be called that) lives. In the first volume we saw how Toriko suddenly vanished from the surface of the Earth, while three strange women knocked on Kozakuras front door, and a strange two-ganger version of Sorawo wanders the night. What connects these strange events and just how does Space Time Man remain enlightened by Sorawo? With the go along with Kozakura, Sorawo could just soon be able to discover their spirited girlfriend in a desperate search for their teen partner.

Earth, Time, Man arc is certainly one of the most confusing stories that the Otherside Picnic has told so far. Although there is a clear objective here find and rescue Toriko there are many other things on the same time, it’s hard to connect them into one single thread. It’s a lie, and a coincidence brings an entire obliteration of a paranormal sensation to the normal, but the aims are to combine the two pieces in the film, and the ability to go through it. As a person, he’s very abstract and when it is never clear what he is, or if he’s just showing his threat, he turns up randomly, sends bizarre warnings, then fades again. Its still creepy, yes, and gets you and the characters jumping at shadows, but with the way things develop I found the payoff to be overwhelming, because in the end it doesn’t really tie anything together and leaves the other phenomena unexplored.

This volume really hits the attention of the viewer is the Journey through the Otherside, where Sorawo and Kozakuras are traveling together. This is Kozakuras grand entrance, when all this time is spent on revealing her character and establishing her character. Her appearance in the whole story sounds very good than you’d think. This is a very big revelation that I am often told.

This makes him a gang of the gang. Her unique viewpoint here is very important in driving this volume. Kozakura is a very good frightened person of the Otherside, yet there is a solid plot of challenging both her and Sorawos fears as we get to see them being resourceful in ways that we wouldn’t normally expect. While it does distract from the main goal a little, the fact that they’re trying to survive a harsh world is tense and poignant.

This is particularly important for Sorawos development as if Toriko failed to get out of the picture most of the volume, and now we’ll see how much she is grown over time. Even though she’s a bit unprepared, she manages to get around without Toriko. She pulls Kozakura through the Othersides swampy marshland and past the Worigglers, who are in the start of her adventure. I really enjoyed the reflection that I had. Specifically for that, I was glad to learn about the relationship between Sorawo and Torikos and how it was going to develop. In a short time, this series has got a lot of success.

Now if you fail to stay cool, the ending chapter does some good laughs in one of the girls who regularly drink some vodka and look up all the time. Now, when did you find yourself a good friend and how do they ever spend their time together? I would note that, if the title sounds confusing, it’ll start the next arc with more time now.

The series seems to be continuing to appear pretty well with another volume. The endless environments on the other side are devoid of esotero and deodoratus and turn even closer to stranger when it comes to certain phenomena. This volume sees reality-bending moments fill a abandoned city full of strange flowers and plants that make a reclaimed wild forest feel cool. Character art is very expressive and monsters are always abstract, something strange that irritates you.

The series is still being published by Square Enix and is available in digital and physical form as a material paperback. This volume is translated by Tony Engel and reads very well without any issues. It seems like the main story in the book is, in the end it makes great use of the recollective book, but in the end it really adds a lot of attention to this volume.

Overall, while not passing its ideas, nor did the series earlier volume, and, especially, because of its centrality, it still seemed to be very confusing in the way it handles its central mystery, Id say the volume 4 of Otherside Picnic is a worthy read. As it turns out, the quest of Sorawo and Kozakuras to find Toriko is dark and tense, filled with new revelations and the critical need for character development. The movie successfully fleshed out Kozakura, making her a full member of the gang, while also giving both Sorawo and the series a chance to reflect on how far they have come.

Our copy from Square Enix Manga was provided by Turnaround Comics (Turnaround Publisher Services).


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