HomePokemon Go fans are tired of Niantic failing to observe a huge...

Pokemon Go fans are tired of Niantic failing to observe a huge aspect of the game – and not having to play it at all

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Pokémon Go players expressed their frustration because of the lack of changes to the Gym feature, and now they’re begging Niantic to take action.

In an article released by the Reddit on Aug 16, players demanded an overhaul of the Gym system ignored by Niantic since the game was released in 2016.

This thread came to light after the recent update of Pokemon Go, PokeStops, who are at the center of a few major developments since 2003.

If one compares it to the Podkern that recently made Routes, it’s really silly to say that Gyms are stuck in the same place since 2017, one player told Reddit.

The gims need AJAX overhaul in TheSilphRoad by u/HukThe1ST.

Although the player complained that Gyms havent received a update since 2017, some updates still brought the improvements to the feature later.

In 2017, a rework made an incredibly important update to the mechanics of the Gym. They became discs like PokeStops and badged, and saw the motivation mechanic be replaced with Prestige and levels of Gyms. The question is how much of a liar should be added.

That was the biggest update in the games history. Sooner on, although both PokeStops and Raids received successive changes, Gyms remained mainly empty.

The Pokemon Go players agree that an update to Gyms is necessary, either in form of a revamping or in form of a rework to bring them to a new place.

But they disagree with the statement that the first Gym System, as introduced before the games launch and before the rework in 2017, was better.

The old gym was terrible. You must be in 10 gyms at the same time to win the maximum coins, and only once per day you can hit this claim button, one player said.

I wish they would make gyms more interesting and decouple daily coins from defending gyms as well as be rewarded for attacking and defending the aforementioned weapons along with an alternative method like research or daily challenges.

As a general rule, players are annoyed about the method of acquiring coins through a cash register. There is no way to collect him. One can have a Pokemon defending a Gym for a given period of time.

Players can keep their Pokemon there more time by giving them food, but they will get kicked when they’re defeated by several opponents.

In 2020, Niantic introduced playtests in Australia and New Zealand to gain a new way to earn Coins in Gyms, but didn’t lead to an actual update. As a result, players could earn coins by capturing Pokemon, battling the Go rocket and taking snapshots.

The Pokemon Go community often engages with this conversation, as time passes without significant change to Gyms. According to the previous thread earlier this year, one player suggested that Coins are given to fight in Gyms and players can call back guarding Pokemon.

The players tend to seek a wide range of things more than rework.


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