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Pokemon Go: Since a recent bug causes a lot of laughter on Pokemon Vulpix in the gym – and the next step is in the gym

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Sara Petzold, 12, 2022, at 08:00 a.m. A player in Pokemon GO discovered a very strange graphic bug. When he was about to feed his Gym Pokemon strawberries, the berry suddenly got bigger. The result brought a lot of horror to fans and great entertainment.

The Pokemon GO is an online platform for years, but fans still must deal with problems. The latter usually find their way into the game via updates but sometimes they just appear the same as that with each other. That was probably the case with reddit user PelicanDolt, who had to deal with a particularly strange graphic error.

The trainer actually wanted to feed his Skelabra with berries, so he continued on to the gym for better health. Nevertheless, he found that the graph of the Sanana berries in his inventory turned into a Shiny Vulpix. Thus the rumor of the arena saw a bright vulpix, followed by the normal nanab and raspberries.

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Skelabra has a special day for the Soul Festival.

So strangely, PelicanDolt could even feed the Shallow Vulpix-like pig, and play a game of Skelabra with the same effect as a normal berry on Pokemon GO. We were very disappointed at the first, in fact, with the people on reddit being very divided at least in a humorous sense.

Because it was strange, the reaction in the community was ironic. A third user even threatened to report PelicanDolt to the Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Pokemon. Both of those fans think Skelabra wants souls, and have to get fed with them.

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Not yet, this bug doesn’t seem like an isolated case. One reddit user reports that his nanaberries have been displayed as flegmons for a while. Did you notice such an error?

Quelle: Dexerto

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