HomeQuake 2 will give classic games the treatment, says Phil Spencer

Quake 2 will give classic games the treatment, says Phil Spencer

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After confirming the acquisition of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft, XboxCEO Phil Spencer said that some forgotten titles were made up and revitalized.

In an interview he received on the official YouTube channel last month, Spencer talked about plans for that company and recently said his takeover of the game. We asked him to see how it will play together in some meaningful ways with our culture while we are watching video games later here!

After the long-awaited ABK takeover, players wonder what’s going on next for that new conglomerate. And fans will get pleasantly surprised as well, Spencer says. Now that there is no chance of picking up many books every year and going after them to do something new… If you look at any franchise that’s part of our team, there is the chance to return.

He understands the potential and suggestions of developers, so that he can go back again to reflect his older fan favorites. If teams like to try and look back at some of our experiences before going by a big chance, I can be. I think there are great troves of titles that can be taken and touched again, Spencer said.

He gave the example of Quake 2, which according to him is merely an effective version, and was very proud for developers who reviewed it in terms by revisiting its content; made it current even though history failed.

Players are already compiling their wishlist of games that they would like to see remastered properly. Banjo Kazookie, Dungeon Siegen and Crimson Skias are all on the top of everyone’n list. I think that I need to buy a reboot of Banjoo Kazie, one from the Nintendo 64.

It’s still unclear whether these words could yield success, but it does sound good to see how willing we can bring back great titles that have been unjustly abandoned. Since this industry fails to preserve its history, it can give us hope.

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