HomeRoblox: job interviews will take place in the application itself

Roblox: job interviews will take place in the application itself

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There are a number of applicants who want to work for Roblox ready, because theirs talks now are still coming in to play. Yes, you read right. For a better understanding of the new idea, Roblox Corporation opened a virtual office for new people and candidates in the United States of America. The virtual office serves an incredibly complex environment as a point of contact with the sophisticated industry of Roblox.

Then, the Roblox Career Center serves to introduce new hires to all platforms. In a recent post on the official Roblox blog, Jason Buss explained that the initiative isn’t just about making fans more easily reach the company or about working for it, but also help novices understand the platform better.

The podcast lounge includes the podcasts in the TechTalk Series, which aims to give employees useful technical information. There is also a library filled with papers, books and much more.

Reach everyone

Roblox is not just a game.

The idea for the Roblox Career Center was born from the desire of Roblox Corporation to meet all potential candidates – considering that live interviews oppose insurmountable limits for many people, starting from the need to reach a physical office, while web meetings are very thin and are very mobile.

Roblox is today the most popular gaming platform in the world, especially by young people. It is available for PC, Xbox and mobile, but can also be downloaded on PlayStation soon.


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