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Should recommending the content on the Internet be considered a counter-terrorism initiative? The US Supreme Court is looking at a case that was pending against Google and Twitter over the weekend?

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The United States Supreme Court has scheduled hearings in February 2023 in two major cases involving online moderation. In Gonzalez’s lawsuit against Twitter and Google, the arguments against Taamne were scheduled for 21 and 22 February respectively.

These two cases can influence fundamental changes in the way online platforms recommend content, particularly content created by terrorist organizations. Both cases are linked to lawsuits alleging that YouTube, Twitter, and other platforms supported Islamic State attacks by not deleting and in some cases recommending terrorist accounts.

The plaintiffs in Gonzalez v. Google argue that these recommendations should not be subject to section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects users from illegal content. Twitter v. Taamne raises a separate but related question: whether online services provide illegal support if they don’t expel terrorists.

Google and Twitter argue that removing Section 230 protections for recommendations algorithms would have wide-ranging negative effects on the Internet, putting sites at great risk of helping users find videos, tweets and other users. Between the saga Gonzalez and the Google case, a conclusion may be able to show the fact that the Supreme Court considers these recommendations simple, or rather simple, an extension of user-generated content (which is subject to article 230), or whether they constitute a separate, unprotected act of the platform itself. And for Twitter, this case will show his new owner Elon Musk has the ability to defend his platform in court.



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That Justice Department urged the court to dismiss at least some of Google’s arguments. Earlier this month, the department filed a memo calling for the lower courts to reverse the Googles favor ruling, and pushing for a narrow interpretation of the Section 230 protection. He had previously proposed to completely repeal Section 230, although he didn’t seek, as much as his predecessor, to force the law. Donald Trump.

Gonzalez and Taamne could be the start of a long legal result from large web platforms. The Supreme Court likely will consider some of the laws that would ban moderation in Texas and Florida, and the appeal of February will reveal its general opinions on moderation.

The Australian court will not rule if defamatory hyperlinks are not violated by Google.

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