HomeSony 5 is becoming more and more available. Great achievements in Japan...

Sony 5 is becoming more and more available. Great achievements in Japan are made with a lot of work

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In recent weeks, Sony made big returns for the new PlayStation console. After the apparition of videogames that show the existence of a PlayStation 5 bundle overseas, the situation is gradually recovering in the Land of Rising Sun.

In fact, PlayStation 5 has achieved some great sales results in Japan, thus achieving an important milestone that turns towards the capability to withstand the widespread demand for the latest generation consoles. We can say that Sony is going to increase the number of gaming platforms shipments, as promised previously.

Yet, PlayStation 5 is having to confront a gaming giant, a hybrid console like Nintendo, which manages to dominate the Japanese market even years after its release globally. You can also see this from sales data. Since they see the recent chapters of the Pokemon brand are at the top of the rank of the most popular online stores, which are available on the web. You can find our review of Scarlet and Violet.

By its own token, the original Mario Switch is domining, which has lasted a few years now, but still doesn’t show any signs that it has been waning. Nevertheless, the new development of platforms on the one hand and the release of new exclusive PlayStation productions on the other hand (see the forthcoming Forspoken or Final Fantasy XVI will be soon going to become the global trading force of Japan).

Scarlet and Violet are the dominant Pokémon in Japan.

What are the sales figures for the last period preceding the end of 2022?

With 42,148 units sold on the Japanese market, superstars wins seventh place in the best-selling Games in Japan. In fourth place, Superspot comes with 22,937 units sold on the market. Among the top three best-selling games is Japan: Showa, Hensei, Reiwa Mo Teiban with 20,426 copies.

On the hardware front, we are again seeing the undisputed dominance of Nintendo Switch and Nintendo has reached 83.975 units sold, followed by PlayStation 5 with 59.352 platforms sold, and Switch base version with 42.430 units.


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