HomeStarfield has one of the most gold-bound players, the Preload date has...

Starfield has one of the most gold-bound players, the Preload date has finally been improved

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Starfield was gone gold, according to Bethesda Game Studios on Twitter. It means principle development is wrapped and it’s going to be used for a disc processing machine. Tom Booty says that no one knows the best way to solve the problem with the game. However, he is not sure why there isn’t a day-on-one patch.

Fortunately, we will not wait long for preloads that start tomorrow, August 17th, on Xbox One and PC via Windows Store. Steam players may start preloading on August 30th. Even though the exact size of the computer hasn’t been confirmed, the sci-fi RPG will require 125 GB of space on the computer.

Starfield is going to kick off on September 6th and is playing on Day one of Game Pass. Those who own the Premium Edition are able to play on the first of September. Get all you need to know about this game. Between here and then you can check out about thirty years of history with the present events.

Please begin the campaign! Starfield is gone gold! Preloads are scheduled for @Xbox X|S and Windows PC tomorrow and August 30 for Steam.

Bethesda Game Studios (@BethesdaStudios) August 16, 2023


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