HomeTarot Cards are featured in Boruto Pop-Up Store merchandise

Tarot Cards are featured in Boruto Pop-Up Store merchandise

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A new Boruto Pop-Up store will bring characters with tarot cards to suit all the tastes of those who have done their homework. The pop-up store will have a location of 18:20 and 17:22 in Tokyo from October 19 to November 17. The new Boruto tarot merchandise will also be available for purchase from the Eeo Store and is going to get out on November 17th, 2023.

The new pop-up store will have eight characters from the anime series. They are Boruto, Sarada’s; Mituki-Kawayulo and Kawakin. Naroutum), Sasume de la Gomez in Zakopana.

This is a complete collection of products from Boruto inspired by balloon cards.

  • Random Acrylic Card (8 available) 550,7-yen ($3,70).
  • Acrylic Card Set 4 400 yen (30 dollars)
  • Random Pin Badge (8 available) 550,70 dollars ($3,70).
  • Pin Badge Full Set 4,400 yen ($30)
  • Clear File 440 kilograms (3 euro), please.
  • Acrylic Art Board (3 available) 2 750yen (18 dollars).
  • Leather Sticky Notes Book (4 available) 605 Yen ($4).
  • Acrylic Coaster Stand (8 available) 1.100 yen (7).
  • Character Clear Case (2 available) 900,286$6 (without costs).
  • Character Acrylic Stand (8 available) 1,815 yen ($12).

You can buy a look at Boruto’s new merchandise here.

Image by Shueisha. Posting with Shueisha. The photograph was from Shueisha. Image posted by Shueisha. Image from Shueisha. Image via Shueisha. I posted an image via Shueisha. Image of Shueisha via hyenoid. Image by Shueisha.

The best current and recent Naruto-Borus store is a theme park/theater, sungya bookstore collaboration.

The new Boruto Pop-Up store will consist of tarot card merchandise from October 19, 2023 to November 17, 20, 23, at the PParco Store. The merchandise is available at the e-commerce store, too.

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