HomeThe Dying Light 2, Roadmap for the Fall and Winter 2023 includes...

The Dying Light 2, Roadmap for the Fall and Winter 2023 includes a mix of missions, raids and more

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A slur of the zombie parkour game Techlands fans clamored for new content. There looks like Techland is listening. Today, we got our first look at the Dying Light 2 roadmap for Fall and Winter 2023. There are new co-op missions, an adventure, and even the most interesting crossover events.

  • Related Reading: Dying Light 2 to introduce DL Points In-Game Currency for Cheaper Skin Bundles.

Moving Light 2 Roadmap for Fall and Winter 2023: Dying Lights: Plan for the Winter/Klasse: 2023:2013.

Techland was kind enough to provide a useful little infographic for all the updates we can expect to see in the coming months.

Did we mention that all this is free? There’s a lot of things to see here, so let’s break it up.

Missions and Raids to be executed with teams of cops & cops.

Until now, players have only had the opportunity to manage regular stories and missions by co-op, as a source of information for the hosts. With dedicated co-op missions, players can hopefully expect something more purposely designed for multiple friends. The depth of those missions is not visible yet, but it’s something to expect from the beginning.

Some of these raids co-op include a new tower raid, which acts like a dungeon-based mission. If it was anything like other raids, survivors of all sorts of missions must work together to complete puzzles and defeat difficult enemies in order to get their hands on cheap loot. We are glad to see some parksour challenges in the tower.

Guns, Guns, Guns, etc.

Even though Dying Light twos does have a lot of guns upon release, players are a lot disappointed in the lack of weapons on their own, especially since the first game was filled with guns. Techland is finally looking to get it back to the original with a new update that brings the citydor bombs and boomsticks. Keep your eyes peeled for this sweet, sweet shotgun.

Crossovers and events.

For a spooky season this year, Vampire: The Masquerade will be jumping into Dying Light two and a dedicated Halloween event. Following this, For Honor will appear in Villedor in mid-November. Final, zombie slayers are able to make a festive event when they attend Winter Celebration in December. Techland has introduced a second anniversary event for that game, which we can assume will take place in February 2024.

Good health improvement.

In between all the big updates, the constant improvement is going to change. Add new gear to Dying Light, new clothes, specialized weapons, armored rarities, finishers, and support from the community, as well as good new upgrades. The future looks good.

Even though I remember, it took a few years to recover the original Dying Light. I imagine Dying Light 2 is coming on the same road, as all these updates actually make the game look good. We were excited to get closer to them when they drop in the coming months.

When we reviewed Dying Light 2 last year, we gave it an 8.5/10 impression that the crowded zombie genre stands out. You can follow this post here.


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