HomeThe game is now available on Steam for 397 Aroged by Hitman...

The game is now available on Steam for 397 Aroged by Hitman 3 owners

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IO Interactive makes it easy for newcomers to come into the Hitman series: owners who haven’t bought the previous entries will get them for free. In January 26, the company will rename Hitman 3 to The World of War II this is the name that IOI gave to the restart of the trilogy.


Those who are already a Hitman 1 and a Hitman 2 should have accessed the levels from both of the two sections. Because of this approach caused some confusion, the new change might have a little help a bit.

If you own Hitman 3, you’ll get a free upgrade to Hitman: WOA. The company will remove the two previous games from the list, but they can still be downloaded again. Hitman: WOA, which will cost 70 dollars, will be the first starting point for the development of a trilogy. Hitman is currently priced at $60, but until January 5, the game goes on sale on Steam for 21 dollars. Find deals on PlayStation, Xbox, Switch stores and more.

The new $30 Deluxe Pack gives you three expansions – two extra levels, two snipers cards, seven Deadly Sins expansion for Hitman 3 and more challenges. The Hitman 3 Deluxe, the Hitman 3 Seven Deadly Sins Collection and Hitman 2 Expansion Access Pass will continue to be available separately on consoles and the Epic Games Store. A Deluxe Pack will have a proportional rating on Steam if you have one or two of these DLCs already!



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We’re absolutely sure that these changes will have huge positive impact on existing and new players. It is going to also make our life much easier, there is no doubt about it. For a lot of players, it will be free content. It will mean much lower DLC prices for others. New players who won’t probably read this message will have much better experience buying Hitman games.

In their blog post, IO Interactive notes that freelancer was crucial to the updates. Having a good chance to use all levels from all the three books makes sense. The Freelancer mode was supposed to come out last year, but will soon become popular on January 26th.

The second door to me is the three sides. Or may they go?

Source: English.


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