HomeThe Game of the World is A Day, while in Chaos is...

The Game of the World is A Day, while in Chaos is A Day

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The game that has been coming to us this weekend doesn’t have much to do with this event. While chained together was made out of a tweet, it emerged that the tweet was constantly evolving.

This new version of a game made up of Whiplash and Tomb Raider looks totally unreal. The premise is that the players were reunited, probably by an obscure overlord. Working together they must negotiate an obstacle course, their chains still unlocked.

That may not sound too hard, but didn’t even talk the Takeshis Castle level courses here. Over the course of the course of the entire process, most of the obstacles are suspended in a squat. If a player falls too far, they will be able to drag those others down with them unless they do not act quickly.

The trailer lets us go only by looking at it. It’s a giant game that plungs towards obstacles, trying to snag their chains on platforms. That can’t be good for the spine, don’t you? If so, just ask Gwen Stacy, but it could be an absolute blast.

Taking a funny coop platformer game where players are glued together.

Angalian Games, September 2nd 2023, Anegar Games (@AnegarG) September 2nd 2023.

That is assumed that you are able to work together by hiring a team. Technically, this game is similar to that of a co-op, but we can imagine it going horribly wrong. If the players are at odds, then there are no more that far between us. That the physics looks like they need work, but that’s a pretty bad day for the game.

The work of The Anegar Games is written by the private group chariot. Until now there’s no date for release or platform confirmed, but you can follow them on Twitter here. And you check out your other two books on Steam.


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