HomeThe game will be postponed to the game

The game will be postponed to the game

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The author of the Royal Battle of DeathVerse – Let It Die decided to close the servers, but temporarily. In-game purchases have already been disabled, and it will not be possible to add to the library since the day of February 7th. The servers will be turned off on June 18.

As the developers explained, the game’s first launch has dealt with a lot of difficulties, especially in the games-based game-playing and lag. Despite the release of fixes, it wasn’t possible to completely eliminate the major problems. The team thinks that the re-release of the game will help a larger audience as well as current players enjoyed it.

Because we have a limited time for creating games and the fact that we only can do a few simple projects in a lifetime, it is impossible to tell that at this point if that’s the right choice. Even if it were good games to be successful, we knew that the two teams would fit together. By this we think that it’s the best solution for today. As the developer assured, we were doing our best to prepare for the game to be re-released to allow the current community to enjoy the game and even bring some new players.

The authors did not specify when the DeathVerse: Let It Die servers will be turned on again.


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