HomeThe Indian lunar rover completed its scientific program and hibernated them to...

The Indian lunar rover completed its scientific program and hibernated them to try to wake up on the next lunar day

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The Indian rover Pragyan, the first spacecraft to land on the south pole of the moon, completed two-week research and experiments – after which he was awake.


The Lunokhod completed his work. Now it’s safely parked and put into sleep, said ISRO in a post posted by the social network X (formerly Twitter).

The battery is fully charged to the moment. The solar panel is being built to receive light for the next sunrise, which will be Sept. 22, 2023. The Indian space agency said that the receiver is still on, expressing hope for the successful awakening of the rover to carry out further experiments.

The Pragyan rover was delivered to the lunar surface on the 23 August in part of the Indian Chandrayaan-3 mission on the Vikram lander named after the famous scientist Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai, considered the father of Indian astronautics.

According to Sreedhara Panicker Somanath, the head of ISRO, Pragyan traveled a distance of 100 m while on the Moon. In the lunar rover experiments showed sulfur, aluminum, iron, calcium, chromium, titanium, manganese, oxygen and silicon in the soil of the natural satellites.

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