HomeThe remake of Resident Evil 4 was booked for 10 dollars due...

The remake of Resident Evil 4 was booked for 10 dollars due to an error

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Many Brazilian gamers can book the remake of Resident Evil 4 per 10 dollars, due to the lack of pricing at Gamers Gate. According to what was declared by the shop, the error was made to clear the purchase a little more in terms of the dollars made and the conversion from the US dollar.

Since the base game cost $60, that’s a nice reduction. Unfortunately, Gamers Gate explained on Twitter what happened, and explained many of the orders will be refunded, as permitted by law in these cases.

No matter what, some orders will be given, a thank you for your purchase, and a gift to me. If we are still waiting for the order to be accepted, buyers will need to check tomorrow morning if it’s in the sale. Make sure you live in Brazil.

It was also announced they will soon donate some games. And still there is one chance to get it cheaper, if you were to take it home for just $10.


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