HomeThe Saints Row and Red Faction franchises will live on despite the...

The Saints Row and Red Faction franchises will live on despite the closure of Volition studio

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Earlier this week it became clear that the Volition Games team closed. The studio, with a rich thirty-year history and several well-known franchises (including Saints Row and Red Faction), was closed by the decision of its parent company, Embracer Group, where the publishing house PLAION is a part of the old Deep Silver. The fans of Saints Row and Red Faction on social networks decided the closure of the studio could let the development of the franchises be put down, but the publisher claims that this won’t happen.

On social networks, PLAION, the official account of the publishing company, responded to the fan of the sloppy and rotish film, assuring they were live. The publisher noted that the Volition staff is so grateful for the unforgettable work on Saints Row and Red Faction, and that this franchise will live for PLAION. That publisher does not provide a specific plan for the future of Saints Rally and Red Faction.

Let’s remember that last year Volition studio released a reboot of Saints Row, but the game didn’t have the best reviews from players and critics.


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