HomeThe sequel includes the new Xbox: Heterogeneous Zen 6 design, more ray...

The sequel includes the new Xbox: Heterogeneous Zen 6 design, more ray tracing and the new operating system

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There are a few occasions when the same good people of the industry light up as in the takeover battle between Microsoft and Activision-Blizzard. This argument doesn’t matter anymore, the question of whether Microsoft will do the business. For the recent wealth of information, the game’s new generation can also be used in technical details.

Zen six, no?

The Xbox Next, let’s call it that for now, could even get an ARM64 CPU. At least that’s what he says in a presentation about the strategic direction of the next Xbox. So we should decide whether x86/64 (Zen 6) remains or if ARM64 is better suited for us.

Also, it should be determined which mix of large and small cores, the need for a bigger and small system. It was probably foreseeable that the next generation of consoles would have a heterogeneous design. The desktop market is demonstrating this with success. There is also the question whether or not to just license Navi 5 or whether or not you agree to work with AMD to develop a design that suits your particular needs.

What’s the priority for more imaging?

There’s also the question of what next-gen ray tracing should look like. Compared to Nvidia and Microsoft and Sony will give priority to that issue, AMD still has some catch up to do here. This is another topic: ray tracing, dynamic global illumination, micropolygon rendering optimization and super resolution.

What: Microsoft.

What: Microsoft

What’s an Android version?

The plan for the operating system, too, is surprising. Microsoft seems to have envisioned a thin OS that can be used on both consumer and handheld devices. A thin operating system would also have the advantage of a small environment where the small core is incorporated into a squandering environment. It’s certain that Microsoft views the player at one end of the presentation and the cloud Azure at the other end. In the middle lies everything you can link these two points consoles, computers and handhelds, as well as a cloud console, so you can say that a streaming device for cloud games is important.

Play now and then you can play them?

Developers should take a hybrid approach, which is expected to come in 2028. To ensure a thorough catalog, games will be ported from 2026; Microsoft also explicitly mentions it is making compatibility a crucial point. The milestone timeline also shows details such as the SOC-design that needs to be created in 2024. The first devkits are expected to begin in 2027.

The background of this strategy is probably that games like The Elder Scrolls or Grand Theft Auto 6 will still be available for the current generation. The new generation of consoles could then be started immediately with strong titles, instead of having an or two launch titles at the moment of the release and then fall into a content hole.


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