HomeThe spread of fears among 2 Baldurs Gate characters explained this problem...

The spread of fears among 2 Baldurs Gate characters explained this problem by a bug

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Many people noticed the Baldurs Gate 3 lineup was too concerned and, as it turns out, they were completely right. Speaking to reporters at the PAX West, game director Swen Vincke confirmed that this behavior was caused by bugs in the games launch. The players were much faster than they were to have, especially the wizard Gale.

Sven Vincke stated that the threshold for approval was too low, causing everyone to look too excited. Vincke added that some characters were fixed but others are still being tweaked, so that the force wouldn’t get too strong.

That was a mistake then. When a test began, the approval threshold was too low. That was the reason they were so excited about their future. It shouldn’t have been so. It has already happened to a few of them. We’re still fixing some of them. We didn’t want it here. Especially Gail.

Of course, the fan reaction wasn’t bad. More horny content appealed to many players, but it wasn’t enough to stop Larian from fixing the bug.

Many people enjoyed this. But the accident was too fast. It was meant to simulate real relationships.

In spite of your first book, you can just nudge a little more.

At the end of the next update, the most significant issue is on PS5, which players have reported graphical glitches on the platform. It looks like the best way to avoid them is to disable HDR mode and play on lower graphics settings.


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