HomeThe staff of Aveum fired a half-manipulate team within weeks of the...

The staff of Aveum fired a half-manipulate team within weeks of the launch

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Ascendant Studios a few weeks ago opened its doors to Immortals of Aveum su PC, PS5 e Xbox S X|S.

The news spread first out of a report from Polygon saying that, according to three employees, staff cuts were made because the poor commercial success of the game caused the dismissal of 40 people out of the 80 100 that comprise the team.

After this, the indiscretion was confirmed by a post written by the director of the studio, Bret Robbins, who, although not explicitly mentioning the performance of the Immortals of Aveum on the market, was clearly from his words that the game was unfortunately far inferior to expectations.

Having to try to talk to friends and colleagues at Ascendant Studios about 45% of our team, Robbins wrote on twitter/X. This was a painful but necessary decision, which was not lightly made. However, we must now make this adjustment now that Immortals of Aveum were removed from our shelves. We can help the people in every way we can, especially for comprehensive severance packages, job search and support for those who remain. If your studio is looking for qualified UE5 engineers, please contact us so we can introduce you to incredibly talented developers.

I’m proud of our independent development team with Immortals of Aveum. Together we created a new studio, a new IP, on a new technology. In a era of our business where this is extremely rare, we poured our passion in Immortals. The studio continues working in this way as we support this game and our Immortals IP, as well as future updates and offerings.

Are you in the trade?

Imortals of Aveum was published last August 22nd, in two sets of PC, PS5 and Xbox, with mixed opinions from critics. In this regard, for those who haven’t read it yet, here’s our report.

Although no official sales numbers were disclosed, as shown by Polygon, they’re actually quite small. In fact, we are talking about an average of only 751 simultaneous players, and at the moment the average of last week is 50 60 simultaneous users, numbers clearly nothing but positive.


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