Home- Wednesdays are the best

– Wednesdays are the best

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Everybody likes clothes, especially when they are free. Visit vendors from around the country to find your nearest one during this micro-holiday.

Complete certain activities during Free T-Shirt Day so you can earn some extra points. In the article to the April trade magazine, more details are available.

Call of the Scarab

Call of the Scarab.
[January 21-23]

To commemorate the first ringing of the Scarab Gong on January 23, 2006, players can relive the portion of the AhnQiraj gate opening by collecting tickets for the turn-in. The winning faction can then claim briagging rights and keep their faction flag hanging over the gates until the next call of the Scarab micro-holiday event. Players who are different stages can speak with Rhonormu near the Scarab Gong if they enter the correct arena.

Hatching of the Hippogryps

The Hippogryphs have attacked them.
[23 February]

In addition, those who go to Feralas can witness the yearly plow of hippogryphs. You can make friends for the day just by yourself.

Ungoro Madness

Ungoro Madness
[March 19th, 17th, 19th and 19th]

Dinosaurs run amoks in UnGoro. Help curb the rampage, and you’ll get some mutual evolutionary buffs.

March of the Tadpoles

The Tadpoles are March’s march.
[Atlas 5?

Each year, the winterfin murlocs allow their tadpoles to reign their village free-hold. You can make a difference by adopting your favourite, feeding it and protecting it against the nearby predators.

Volunteer Guard Day

Volunteers Day is Volunteer Day.
(April 28th)

Take the shoes of a guard in the cities with a /salute and you’ll get to protect the city like them. Watch out for any invaders!

Spring Balloon Festival

Spring Balloon Festival is held at the Balloon Festival.
[May 10-12]

There are a number of characters in Azeroth, some of whom, perhaps, are taking tours of their hot air balloons. You’ll like their commentary and interact with the residents as you take the scenery.

Glowcap Festival

Glowcap Festival
[27. Mai]

Go to Sporeggar in Zangarmarsh and buy rare mushrooms, and help the sporelings to heal the great mushroom, Fshoo. You’ll get a little better in Sporeggar than you would in any way help them out.

Thousand Boat Bash

One hundred-two boat fishing spots.
3-6 o’clock in the month of June.

Azeroth is the largest beach in Thousand Needles. It is a great chance to make some sense of a break from the actual conflict in Azeroth.

Luminous Luminaries

Luminous Luminaries

GG Engineering has discovered a luminescent creature in Vashj’ir’s depth. They need your help researching this kind of creature before she goes to the deep sea once again.

Auction House Dance Party

Dance Party for auction house.
[November 22]

The main auction houses in Orgrimmar and Stormwind have been cleaned and turned into dancing parties for the day. Come and show a group-building pride.

free t-shirt day

Free T-Shirt Day.
The holiday was born on August 16th.

From across Azeroth, a number of vendors were selling t-shirts for… Free. There’s even the possibility that entertainers have been launching free, second-hand shirts in capital cities.

Moonkin Festival

Moonkin Festival
[Documents 12 et 12 novembre]

The joy of celebrating everything about Moonkin is present today in Moonglade. Come and learn all these things.

Wanderer’s Festival is in its best interest.
[December 7]

Celebrate Liu Lang and Shen-zin Su at Turtle Beach, in Krasarang Wilds. It’s time for song and reflection.

Sources: Blizzard.


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