HomeWhat is your iPhone 15 with the best battery life? It's surprising...

What is your iPhone 15 with the best battery life? It’s surprising to see if the answer is to the question

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According to Apple, the iPhone 15 Pro Max would be the champion with an impressive battery life of up to two hundred hours of video playback. Is that true in the practice? A YouTuber performed a test to verify this.

Source: Thebybyss.com.

The main question of autonomy comes in every year when the new iPhones are released. This time, not one, but seven models were tested on a rigorous autonomy test by Mr.whosetheboss. After the well-followed JerryRigEverything tests, the endurance test was carried out on the newest models of the upcoming sport. And if we were to watch the most recent and high-end models, the reality was more complex.

Until now, the iPhone 13 Pro Max was the battery life recordholder. Last year models didn’t dethrone this. But this year, the guard changed. The iPhone 15 Pro, with a battery life of 9 hours 20 minutes, was penultimate in this comparison, just ahead of the iPhone 14 by comparison.

When it comes to a revolution in energy efficiency with the A17 Pro, the result is quite disappointing. The standard iPhone 15 model is more powerful than the iPhone 15 Pro model, with almost 10 hours or 37 minutes to go by the time it landed.

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It won’t be a huge difference, but it’s still important. In second place, we find the iPhone 15 Pro Max with an battery life of 11:41. While iPhone 13 is faster than the iPhone 13 is faster than the iPhone 14 is faster than the iPad 14 is slower than it is, assuming that it is faster than the iPhone 14 is faster than the iPhone 12 is.

Underdog becomes winner: the iPhone 15 Plus.

The most surprising thing about these tests is the fact that the iPhone 15+ has eclipsed all of the other models in achieving a battery life of thirteen hours and 19 minutes. Why is this so significant difference? This could be an ideal balance between components and the new system-on-chip (SoC) introduced by Apple. The latter incorporates energy-efficient cores, which could make any difference with the phone being run under little use.

Note that it’s not prudent to judge different models only on these endurance tests. Is this not just these tests? As far as it is concerned, the iPhone 15 Plus is no longer your main criteria.


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