HomeGame GuidesWingetUI gets custom origins, filtering, performance boost, Defender blocking prevention

WingetUI gets custom origins, filtering, performance boost, Defender blocking prevention

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Saiyan San


Sep 25, 2023 4:04 am EDT

WingetUI banner

WingetUI, which is a third-party GUI utility for managing CLI package managers like Winget or Scoop, received its latest update a few days ago. The new update, version 2.1.0, brings performance improvements related to package import and parsing, as well as CLI outputs, adds some major source-related upgrades, such as source filtering, as well as support for custom sources and more.

There are new special icons for installed, blacklisted and upgradable packages. The app now also comes with a digital signature so Microsoft Defender and other anti-malware products shouldn’t stop Block it longer. You can find the full release notes below:

  • The .NET tools package manager is now fully supported in WingetUI

  • WingetUI can now filter packages based on their origin

  • Chocolate installed packages have been fixed

  • Notifications will be shown again if enabled

  • WingetUI can now be installed in a local environment

  • Winget now supports custom sources

  • WingetUI is now digitally signed

  • Arm systems will automatically use arm64 wing versions.

  • Packages will no longer be out of date in the package discovery section

  • Changing a theme will not require a WingetUI restart. Instead, the new theme will be applied immediately.

  • Installed, blacklisted and upgradable packages will display special icons to distinguish them from regular packages.

  • The package importer is now much faster.

  • Winget will take care of the places properly

  • Chocolate will be added to the path automatically if certain conditions are met

  • Command line outputs are more responsive

  • Improved package analysis

  • Interface appearance and behavior improvements

  • Databases of custom icons will be configurable

  • Improved Markdown parsing

  • Lots more bug fixes and improvements

what changed

To download the latest WingetUI update, go to the Neowin software section page, or visit GitHub.

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